After all the proper goodbyes from Cuzco we took another 21 hour bus to Lima where we stayed at our friend´s place: Beto Mandioca. There we only spent one night before taking another 21 hour´s bus to Mancora with Márcia (Paulo´s sister and Mar from SKIP). The plan was to spend the new year´s eve with our friends from SKIP. One of the volunteers has house in a pueblo near Mancora, called Los Organos. Everything went well and we finally got together with all our incredible friends from the volunteer´s house.
Los Organos is actually a
beach town 15 minutes away from Mancora but with a complete different
atmosphere, much more relaxed and in touch with the nature. Not as crazy as the
other one. In summary, a perfect place to spend day with friends in the beach,
reading, telling jokes, drinking beers during the day while Mancora was our
spot at night where the parties and the crowds used to fill the clubs around
town. This routine took place for 4 days and nights in a row.
Mancora is a very well-known beach town and of the best places to spend New Year´s Eve in Peru. The beach is recognized for its good waves that brought our Murta back to the game, but also a good town for parties, good food and for some travelers for drugs. Murta met more Portuguese during these days, 8 Portuguese (one is actually friend of his brother) that are travelling around south America for 3 months.
Ufff that´s what we call
a good New Year´s party.
On the 1st of January, Murta met some ceviche seller, what would be his
breakfast for the following 4 days.
(when Betinho was still alive)
On the 3rd day, Márcia left the group, she had to come back to Sao Paulo. We think she will join us again in Central America because she wants to keep its level 4. Márcia joined us as a fresh lady coming from SP and we think she was level 1 in the beginning of the trip. Murta an Paulo started this ranking for travellers (0-10); we think they have reached level 6 in the end of 2012, being their benchmarks Ruth (Spanish friend) who is a 9 and Gonçalo Cadilhe – who we don’t know personally – but is a 10 since he makes money out of his travels.
After 8 days in the beach
with our friends it was finally time to say goodbye and finish a cycle on our
trip. We leave our friends behind with certainty that the good memories and
moments will always be on our minds as well as what we learned from each of
them. Thanks to each of you!!
Hay que visitar Peru!
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